Currently reading

On my to read list

Great podcast on the reasons why personalization is key for weight loss. 

I've been following this blog for a long time now - ever since it was featured in the NY Times, around the explosion of the tiny house movement. Love the tips Tammy shares for living a simple, rich life. Given it's what I spend most of my money on - particularly enjoyed this recent post

Scooped these up this morning at Whole Foods - yes to using coconut oil over processed vegetable oils (aka liquid death as Dr.Cate Shanahan calls them!). 

My 3 minute meditation self-challenge is going strong - using this app to track

Admittedly, this is so hard - but it's important and I plan to try my best. #nowness


SlICE 08

Been fending off a cold with this immune boosting tonic, vitamin c, mushroom tincture, garlic, veggies, water and rest. 

Checked out this new infared sauna spot in Westchester last weekend - felt SO good. If you're in NYC I've heard great things about Higher Dose . Infared sauna's have a myriad of benefits - you can read more about it here

Got re-inspired to meditate regularly after reading this blog post by Kelly Brogan MD- if you haven't read her book, I fully recommend it. 
+ After reading her post, I decided to commit to this 3 minute meditation for the next 40 days, starting tomorrow. If you want to join me LMK! Accountability helps. :)

Discovered this recipe blog last week and made this soup  {added sliced shiitake mushrooms} which I brought to work for lunch and this crock pot chicken which worked out well to make on a Sunday and then heat up in the oven later that week for dinner. Definitely plan to try some of her sheet pan meals for easy weeknight dinners. 

Bringing Nuttzo with me in a little container for a work snack lately - sometimes paired with an apple, usually just right off a spoon. 

Whenever I travel, I love to pick-up some sort of locally made self-care product - currently loving the Cake Face Soaping Body Lotion I picked up in New Orleans. 

We welcomed Spring this week - Equinox Blessings


Up next on my reading list. 

Made these recipes this week {I always modify based on what I have on hand} :
Crock Pot Split Pea Stew for lunches at work
+ didn't use ham, used Japanese yam instead of red potato, added chopped shiitake mushrooms, smoked sea salt and threw in baby spinach at the end

Paleo Turkey Sloppy Joe's served over 1/2 a roasted Japanese yam with salad + Tessamae's caesar dressing - I made a lot of modifications to this, but if you follow the recipe I'm sure it's delicious! 

Love this Red Lentil recipe for a rather quick dinner - I always make roasted cauliflower with it. 

I got a facial last weekend and anytime I get a facial (which has been 3x in life, one of those times being a free one I won at the mall in high school...) it reinvigorates me around skin care. It feels so nourishing to take good care of your skin. So, this week I've added in using a konjac sponge as a facial exfoliant, also purchased muslin cloths which I learned from the facialist are the best for your face, especially when doing the oil cleansing method, which I do. 

Brought this coffee press to work to brew loose leaf tea with - this week I was sipping on a nerve tonic blend of equal parts nettles, oat straw and lemon balm. I purchase herbs at Mountain Rose Herbs. I love referencing Rosmary's Gladstar's book for herbal inspo. 

Can't wait to listen to this podcast


Up next on my reading list. 

Stop saying sorry if you want to say thank you. #love

Been sipping on this chocolate tea lately with almond milk - perfect at work if I'm craving something sweet.

Meditation for Real Life is a sweet, simple series by the NY Times - this one is particularly helpful for New Yorkers. 

After loving up New Orleans last week, finding myself playing this

Bookworms: Ever get book overwhelm? I do. Check out The Simple Plan To Read More.  Love how this article breaks down reading into small goals in order to get through your books in an organized + methodical fashion. Smalls manageable goals = less overwhelm. 

Staying Present and Grounded in the Age of Information Overload and now I can't wait to listen to this podcast

Made this green detox soup yesterday but tripled the garlic and also added juice of 1 lemon - warning: not for the faint at heart but I really enjoyed it.